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Marshall Family, Friends and Traditions Reunion In Plantersville

Marshall Family, Friends and Traditions Reunion In Plantersville TexasSaturday, June 19, 2010 turned out to be a typical hot, sunny Texas summer day, but that didn’t stop hundreds of people from descending on Ronnie and Hazel Dutka’s beautiful big red barn in Plantersville, Texas to celebrate their Polish heritage at a fun-filled family reunion. The crowd was made up of members of the Marszalek/Marshall, Borek, Maduzia, Filar, Zabawa and Bartkowiak families along with many of their close friends.

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PGST Exhibits At Tomball College International Festival

Polish Genealogical Society of Texas Exibit At Tomball College International FestivalOn Saturday, June 5, 2010, Polish Genealogical Society of Texas president Dolores Wisnoski Newman and Treasurer Shirley Burzynski shared their Polish culture at the International Festival. The festival marked the occasion of the Summer Reading Kickoff Party at the Tomball College & Community Library. Dolores and Shirley were dressed in traditional Polish outfits as they greeted festival attendees and showed off their table full of Polish books, pottery, crystal and other items of interest.

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St. Stanislaus Building New Parish Hall In Anderson

Construction Of New Parish Hall At St. Anderson Catholic Church In Anderson TexasOne of the favorite meeting places for Texans of Polish descent is the St. Stanislaus annual homecoming bazaar held in Anderson, Texas each fall. It was with some sadness that us old time bazaar attendees watched the removal of the old tin roofed, open sided pavilions shortly after last years bazaar. In their place will be a spacious new hall, a large open pavilion and a new building for the barbecue pits. Construction started in February and looks to be on schedule for completion in time for this years bazaar on October 10th. It should be an exciting time as St. Stanislaus parishioners celebrate and show off the new building complex.

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Annual Homecoming Bazaar At St. Joseph in Stoneham

2010 St. Joseph Catholic Church Annual BazaarClear skies and warm temperatures prevailed as the crowds descended on St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Stoneham, Texas to celebrate their annual homecoming bazaar on Sunday, May 30, 2010. The festivities started with a special bazaar Mass celebrated at 10:30 am in the beautiful remodeled church by St. Joseph’s pastor Fr Ed Kucera. St. Joseph’s church was built in 1909 by a predominantly Polish immigrant congregation. In the early years, St. Joseph’s was a mission parish of St. Stanislaus parish in Anderson, but it is now a mission parish of St. Mary parish in Plantersville.

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Houston Polish Festival 2010 Held On May 1st And 2nd

2010 Polish Festival In Houston TexasThe 4th annual Polish Festival at Our Lady of Czestochowa Church in Houston was held on Saturday, May 1 and Sunday, May 2, 2010 on the church grounds in the Spring Branch area of Houston. This was the first year that the festival was held on two days. A large crowd showed up on both Saturday and Sunday to enjoy the beautiful warm Texas weather, good food, cold beer and a great variety of entertainment. The festival opened on Saturday morning at 10:00 am with a presentation of the flags and singing of the national anthems of the United States and Poland. As the day wore on, it was pretty obvious that everybody in the large crowd was having a good time.

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President of Poland, Lech Kaczynski Dies In Plane Crash

Polish President Lech Kaczynski and some of the country’s highest military and civilian leaders died on Saturday when the presidential plane crashed as it came in for a landing in thick fog in western Russia, killing 97.

Russian and Polish officials said there were no survivors on the 26-year-old Tupolev, which was taking the president, his wife and staff to events marking the 70th anniversary of the massacre in Katyn forest of thousands of Polish officers by Soviet secret police.

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Polski Kolendy In Chappell Hill

2009 Polski Kolendy In Chappell HillSt. Stephen’s Day, the day after Christmas was cloudy and cold, but that didn’t hinder an enthusiastic crowd of approximately 60 Christmas carolers who met at Henry Mazurkiewicz’s place in Chappell Hill Texas for the 2nd annual Polski Kolendy. Following an old Polish folk tradition, the group was led by a star bearer and nativity scene and many of the carolers dressed in traditional and not so traditional costumes including a bishop, nun, angels, shepherds, kings, beggars, Santa Claus and an interesting rendition of a turon which is an extinct Polish bison.

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Polish Christmas Party In Chappell Hill

Polish Christmas Party At Lazy Mule In Chappell Hill

There was a Polish flag flying outside of the Lazy Mule Saloon in Chappell Hill Texas on Saturday night, December 12, 2009. Inside the bar, a large group of Chappell Hill and Brenham natives and their friends celebrated with a Polish Christmas party. Daniel Cendalski brought his fiddle and he and his band, Daniel and the Country Boys played a mix of old time Polish and country dance music.

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